OMG!!!I'm BACK!!!YAY!hahaz...managed to get in before this blog goes into permanent hibernation!Sorry pple...my com really carn access blogger...duno why...this is someone else's com...! gasp* maybe my com carn get in becoz i post to much crap online?!?! =_=\\ ...how...
Putting that aside...yups the prelims are over...but this was juz the preview battle...the war is already brewing...ready to spring out at us...we hav exactly 1 month,2days,2hours,19min,27sec to prepare for the dawn of bloodshed!-with such sentence structure...i wonder how am i goin to pass GP...lolx...anyway...havoc time is over...its time to be serious and refeul our mugging engines...so im off...bye...
...haix...but hearing your disappionted groans...and since ive not been flooding this place much with crap...heh hehz...lets juz cont...
Recently ive been watching listening,reading and drawing NANA(ナナ)...of coz its a jap anime/manga...duh?...anyway...its about this punk rocker called nana. She din exactly have a memorable childhood...so she always has dark thoughts and doesnt trust pple much...but of coz as the story goes on it gets better-for her-and for the reader(me haha)...sometimes when im alone i tend to talk to myself too...not "Hi Su*...nice to meet you!"...but sortof like a form of reflection bout things happening around me...if you someday see me stoning...means im talking to the inner Su*(which also happens to be the more sane and composed one...)if i smile to myself...it does not mean that im retarded(althou it really does look like it darn...)but perhaps thinking of something happy =] (like when you all visit this blog everyday to check for more crap lol)...
anyway...enuf of me...its back to the manganese dioxide,maclaurins,magnetic fluz density, marshall lerner and muggyness...1 month,2days,2hours,08min,19sec to outbreak of the next World War...