I'm back to wreck more havoc hehee...sori ive not been posting much...coz im computer-idiotic...so i couldnt get onto the blog without a google account haha...juz managed to decipher the wierdo symbols on the screen-[click here to create your google account!] and managed to get thru...yay!Lots of stuff have been happening...esp for me...but today about half my commitments have been lifted-cross country nationals and h3...i'm free!!!-or at least i'm 50% free!!!
About cross country nationals...running not equals canoeing,but i thought i would share that running experience with all you pple...maybe it'll inspire you to run a faster 2.4km or 24marathons or something...18April2007-woke up feeling really really good(slept for 9+hours...snore*)came to school...thanx to all you great pple for wishing me luck...and also the occasional threats:you better run fast or else!If you dont win you die!(me:weak smilez*...heh heh...thanx...) but anyway...i was a little worried about the race...coz the previous race i didnt do so well...(started abit faster than usual...then halfway i sorta gaveup and slowed down...still dun get why i was so weak at tat time... >.<>
i burst out...think its coz of all the sprinting in the water...high cycle higher cycle highest cycle!then i realised i was sorta leading...opps...guess thats the few moments in my life i was 1st in national schools cross country(for about 10m haha) so slow down abit...follow the pack....just keep to other pple pace...reach the slope...grrr....no sweat...one step by one step...stick to the person in front...thought of shien for a moment coz last year she ran the slope with me and gave me lots of encouragement...it helped.after the slope...its the horror area where your body starts to feel the lactic and your will starts to waver...but somehow,i didnt feel all that...in fact, i felt rather good...(i muz hav gone bonkers at that point)managed to estimate how many pple in frnt of me...bout 20...(i was aiming for the coveted top 20 spot)i have a chance!...somehow that cheered me on and gave me a glimmer of hope...all i needed to do was not to give up and finish the race...simple enough?nope...suling is a greedy girl...
Who cares who or what was in front of me...i just ran and ran...1.aim for the person in front...2.catch...3.overtake...4.pull away-make the person think:"hoo is this crazy idiot?let her be...i'll catch up 'later' "ok...i juz kept repeating steps 1-4...usually about 3quarters of the way ill start to tire out again...then ill think of friends to keep me going...but i think that day i was so focused on steps 1-4 that i sorta totally forgot to think about all of you... >.<>
Some people say im super fast...but its not true...i feel that long d running is more than style or talent...mental really played a role...if i had not suffered and gone thru so much grueling training with our canoeing team, i doubt that i could have convinced myself that i was
NOT TIRED during the race...of course...i would like to thank the cross country team...MrIrwan(for the 3km timetrial which is the most excruciating run in my life) and MrLim.And most most most of all...all those that have wished me well,or wanted to wish me well but didnt have the chance to,or wanted to wish me well but it came out as"you better win or DIE!!"(even though i didnt think of you pple during the race,b4 the race it helped me a lot...giving me more courage and one more reason why i must not and could not giveup....) In conclusion(urgh...i thought these 2 words only appear in econs essays haha)one theory ive come up is...if you believe,miracles (no matter how impossible) do come true...but the more impossible thing is believeing,not the miracle. Its really hard to make yourself believe that you can do so much more...to force your body to listen to your mind instead of the other way around...i guess pple around me(yes...you...)that give me support,believeing in me,hoping for the best for me...play a great part in making me do the almost impossible...believeing.
Hmm...ive not figured how to operate the czup blog yet...so i guess ill still be renting this place for my thoughts and non-thoughts...until next time...またね!