Thursday, December 07, 2006

you've got to do what others dont to acheive what others wont

girls! (:

penang is exactly in 1 week!
i wouldnt say im looking forward to it
neither would i say im not;
its kinda neutral..
just let it come haha

i hope all you remember the primary purpose of going there is to RACE
not for all fun and play.
even though we're gonna have time for those,
i think all of us should be more hyped up about the race instead of the other stuff...
its not gonna be easy
be prepared to give your more than your all
you've got to do what others dont to acheive what others wontbe it a win,
or be it an all new experience/

the new line-up's out
like mr yong put it, its a challenging one.
we already know he'd never put the strongest line-up in any race..
but i honestly think this line up is good overall
i wouldnt say its strong
neither is it weak
it really cant be classified at a time like this
but one thing's for sure..
at the end of the day,
its what we make it to be
you want to give other schools a thrashing,
you first thrash all of them in your trainings.
your training attitude
mental toughness
what do you want?
and how are you gonna get it?
only you know..

i know many of you are trying very hard
i can see you all pushing so hard
it worries me when i see that yall are on the verge of puking and etc. ever so oftenly

to me,
mental toughness is still the most important thing.
when you're tough up there,
nothing elsewhere can get to you or put you down.

because your mind is prepared and ready for it
you'll be able to take it in your stride

i was just talking to my friend yuyan(shooting club president) that day..
he said that mr gilbert lee (their teacher in charge) is willing to give teams in nj mental training on the condition that our teacher in charge agrees to it..

hahah sabu, if you're reading;
just see if yall think this will be beneficial to our team ya?
he's kinda trained in doing it btw..

back in gan eng seng, we had mental training sessions too!
it was... exhausting
but i would say.. very useful to me
i love them (:
i kinda miss them actually

the mind works wonders

hahah okay im digressing like mad!
neway, i just wanna say:
dont be afraid/ have doubts bout this line up okay girls?
and have faith
in yourselves
in your team mates
in mr yong's foresight

give nothing but your best
everyone of us..

i always believe that everyone should be accountable,self disciplined and self motivated in your training.. yuppp (:

nothing comes easily;
nothing comes naturally either
i dono if some of you have the super wrong misconception that being in nj means you'll be a champion..
total rubbish

are you able to work harder than the previous champions?
that defines it all..

i have faith in yall

rmb to work on mental toughness during your trainings
try to incorporate them into your trainings!
dont forget k! ((:

each time you wanna give up,
just tell yourself
"that BIT more come on........"
"i cant stand quitters!"
hahah i always talk to myself secretly during trainings actually ;p
of course, alot more goes through my mind ahahah but they're not exactly uhhmm good to post. haha!!


we've got to step up our game
work like mad
give every drop of blood
all your HEART
and all your SOUL

..and thats not some cliche
i hope yall get the meaning behind it all

jiaayouu! (:

and to the guys team!
the girls are always behind yall okay!
(despite how MUCH you people always say stuff about us!! hahaha ;p )
all the way!