heheh...heys every1! e long awaited and aniticipated....my first blog entry esp. delicated to sze who i have promised 4 a v long time and has been bugging me to blog!!! mus treasure k...realli e first...and given to all of u k =D hmmm...dunno wad to talk about leh. yesterday's junior outing was damn fun and retarded and sick....but i like jus tt i was damn tired and jus listen lo but still damn entertaining lo so i wan more more more...but no kbox la..I WAN!!!ok...ya lo...den how was my new hairband look? Aiya....i'm so random...i'm so tired and suan...whole body all suan...bet dee oso. t1 with resistance is no play play...esp when you're chasing some1 without them...not tt i'm grumbling tho...gd trg 4 me >< mrt =")" size="4">SZE! u coup everything la...u take so many lo...i rmb i eat till wanna bao somemore XD...ok...this is a damn messy entry but dun grumble lo...u alr got my blog entry le =p
- vic
my & sze's T1 rox!
p.s. i had trouble getting here lo