I print screened the timeline for those that cant go in...plz note that you have to go for
all the days to qualify. Closing date for registration is
31stJan 2008! The following is the possible areas you can volunteer in:
Marshal Services This team of officials look after the sign-on each morning and the marshals mustering facilities. This team also includes individual officials such as drivers of some of the official vehicles, and runners from the various offices.
Marshal Services This team of officials look after the sign-on each morning and the marshals mustering facilities. This team also includes individual officials such as drivers of some of the official vehicles, and runners from the various offices.
Race Control Marshals Comprises mostly of senior officials but also includes all officials working from Race Control and those who are in direct contact with Race Control. These officials have varied roles, including working the Closed Circuit TV, manning the Race Control radios, collating and processing reports from the marshals around the track, and looking after the needs of the Clerk of Course.
Sector Marshals Are the team of senior trackside officials, one being appointed to be in charge of each Sector.
Communications This team comprises all the observers around the track. The team's task is to observe all happenings around the circuit and report to Race Control, over the trackside "intercom/loop" system. The observers are the "eyes and ears" of the Clerk of Course and therefore the source of most of his information. These observers also write most of the written reports which are provided to Race Control, detailing incidents which require further action.
Track Marshals These are the general marshals around the circuit, based at the Marshal Control Posts. Their duties include almost everything possible, including assisting the rescue of drivers, assisting the Fire & Rescue Marshals, sweeping the track in between events, and assisting the Track Clearance Team and the tow truck crews.
Pit Lane & Grid Marshals These are the marshals who set up the starting grid before each event, and control vehicles and people in pit lane and pit exit during the Event.
Scrutineers Their duty is to check all cars for safety and eligibility prior to them going on to the track for the first time, and also to examine any cars involved in accidents before they are permitted to go back on to the track. The scrutineers work from both the Support Paddock and the Pit Lane.
Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue Marshals are located at posts around the circuit, pit lane and on mobile fire units.
Recovery Comprises the tow truck teams and their assistants, whose job is to recover the "dead cars" from around the circuit after each session or race, and return them to the paddock, pit lane, or scrutineering bay as appropriate. This team also specialises in working with the crane operators around the circuit. Their role is to quickly remove stopped cars from positions of danger, particularly from gravel traps from which the cars cannot be driven.
Timing This team is made up of a group of timekeepers whose task is to record the time of every lap of every car during all qualifying sessions and races, and to produce the printed results of each race. Their location is in timing room, next to Race Control.
Support Paddock This team controls the Support Paddock and the Marshalling Area. The Marshalling Area is where the Support Race cars form up before going on to the track.
Deputy Sector Marshals Comprises of experienced trackside officials who provide back-up the Sector Marshals in their sectors and who can assume the role of Sector Marshal if necessary.
Information This team�s role is to collect and collate information from pit lane and the support paddock and to pass it on to the Media Centre and the Public Address team during events. They may also work with other information systems at times, such as radar guns in pit lane.
Boundary Riders The boundary riders are based around the circuit on motorcycles. Their duties include assisting drivers to return to the pits/paddock after stopping around the circuit and providing extra spectator control if needed. They are recognised as mobile senior officials and are in continuous radio contact with Race Control and can be sent by Race Control to take charge of the many and varied problems that can arise during an event.
Equipment These are experienced motor sport officials who perform the important task of ensuring equipment is available and facilities are in place when they are needed. They distribute the trackside equipment to the Sectors each morning and collect it each evening. In between these jobs, they may be asked to shift anything anywhere. This team is unofficially referred to as the "A" Team. To assist this team, one marshal at each Control Post is appointed as the Post Equipment Marshal. Their job is to receive the equipment delivered each morning, allocate it to each marshal requiring it, ensure its return each evening and wait at the Post for its collection by the Equipment Team.
Medical This team comprises of specially trained doctors and nurses who are available to provide medical intervention at any time and at any place around the circuit. They are based in the Intervention Vehicles, on foot in some areas, or at the Medical Centre. The Medical Team also includes paramedical personnel, officials who are highly trained officers providing the Medical Team with an extensive medical and servicing back-up. They man each Intervention Vehicle, the Medical Centre and circuit ambulances. In addition, they store and maintain most of the medical equipment used at the Meeting. In addition, FIV Drivers are also listed in the Medical Team and are licenced Intervention Vehicle drivers, each Intervention Vehicle being manned by the driver, a paramedical officer, and a doctor. Each vehicle is equipped with an extensive array of medical and fire fighting equipment.
PLZ volunteer only if you really want to okae...not coz Jas goes on her craziness and makes it compulsory canoe outing haha...n i hope i dun get sued for posting almost the whole of their website online...thank you Singapore GP!sorry for koping wout permission...